Youth Opportunities Unlimited (Y.O.U.) Osprey Nest

Located on top of light tower on Lot 13 of Clegg Field. Coral Street, New Bedford MA 02744

Special thanks to New Bedford Day Nursery, Senator Montigny’s Children's Fund, and the City of New Bedford for making the Osprey nest camera possible.

Help keep the osprey nest clean of waste! Read our most recent blog post to learn how you can be apart of the solution to pollution.

Osprey Nest Update, April 7th, 2024 - The Ospreys are back!

We are excited to announce that the ospreys are back! We installed our live camera two years ago at Victory Park in the south end of New Bedford, Massachusetts. This live stream is incorporated into our programming and used to inspire youth and teach them about this amazing bird of prey and conservation success story. The osprey made their first appearance at the nest on April 7th and in the coming months will be laying eggs and hatching chicks. Stay tuned…